An Integrative Approach to Vaccines

As an integrative pediatrician, I’m often asked about my approach to vaccines. Well, just like my approach to virtually any child and any health condition, the short answer is: I take a personalized approach. The longer answer is, of course, a little more nuanced, and I’ll do my best to explain it here.

Many parents have shared with me that they have felt judged and even belittled by their pediatrician when they raised concerns about vaccines or expressed their opposition to them (in whole or in part). Sometimes they have questions or anxieties around vaccines and are simply needing space and time to decide, and sometimes they’ve had negative personal or family experiences with vaccines and are understandably opposed. Regardless, the fact is that many parents today experience negative reactions from their medical providers when they express any significant concerns about vaccination. I can sense the frustration and dejection in parents’ voices when they share their stories, and I feel deeply for them.

Having worked in insurance-based healthcare in the past, I also have compassion for pediatricians who are doing their best within a chaotic and rushed healthcare system. In medical school we spend years studying immunology, microbiology, and pharmacology that provides the basis for understanding vaccines, and we also learn about the sometimes devastating or deadly diseases that vaccines help to prevent. We train in hospitals where we care for children with devastating illnesses caused by a variety of infections, including vaccine-preventable viruses and bacteria. When physicians only have 10 or 15 minutes to build trust, address multiple concerns, examine a child, and discuss vaccines, we can feel frustrated too. When a parent raises a concern, we worry that they can’t possibly give the concerns the time they need, and some can become impatient. Some might be a bit short or even outright rude.

Clearly, the current system doesn’t work too well for many patients or physicians when it comes to addressing vaccine concerns, but there IS a better approach: In my practice, my approach is to have longer well child visits where both parent and physician can express their concerns and be heard. If a parent has had a negative experience, I want to learn about it. If they are not familiar with the vaccine schedule and need it explained in some detail, I’ll provide a vaccine chart and go through every vaccine and what it helps protect against. If they want to understand the ingredients in vaccines, we’ll discuss them. If they prefer a slower vaccine schedule, we’ll explore the reasons and draft an alternative schedule that still provides some protection. If they just have a gut feeling that they should wait, I want to know and hold space for that. Will both of us always agree? No. Is there enough time and space to still listen, consider, and remain partners in their child’s health? Absolutely! At the end of the day, parents reserve the right to make medical decisions for their children. My goal is to respect that.

Each child is unique. Each family is unique. And each person’s upbringing, life experiences, perspectives, and intuition are unique. As an integrative physician, I honor the uniqueness of each child and family and do my best to be your partner in raising a child who will be as healthy, safe, and happy as possible.


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